Output 1
Development of a competence framework to facilitate a swift to a distance/hybrid learning model


Output 1 Report

Project Result Description

Based on existing competence frameworks, some of which explored during the preparation phase of the proposal by partners. More specifically, partners decided that the competence frameworks that will be utilise in order to form the basis of the framework are DigiComp2.1, Microsoft’s, Intel’s and Unesco’s frameworks as well as the case of District 64.

After partners have analysed the frameworks and have formed the basis of the framework of competence that will enable school decision makers and staff to effectively facilitate and be key players when the need of a transition to a distance/hybrid model occurs, partners with the help of small Focus Groups of 4-5 professionals (teachers, teacher educators, school principals, technology experts, etc.) will point out the sets of key competences that are thought to play a major factor in the success of such a transition.

The Focus Groups will utilize their knowledge from the recent COVID-19 situation when they were asked to implement a distance/hybrid learning model and set everything up in a matter of days. Finally, partners will put together the information and knowledge derived from the early phase of Output 1, to deliver a complete competence framework, in a suitable for the educational community form, that will facilitate its use by schools seeking to professionally develop key personnel (teachers, technicians, decision makers, etc.) to handle future cases of a rapid transition to distance/hybrid learning.

The results of the output will be able to form the basis for school leaders, teachers and national authorities to better prepare those directly impacted by this kind of changes, such as teachers, students, etc. The input of the Focus Groups contacted in all partner countries, in combination with partners input from their experience in their countries, will enforce the ability of transnational application as it corresponds to the needs of different European countries.

In terms of innovation, the suggested competence framework will take under consideration the important factors that occur from the element of rapidness of the transition process and will emphasize on those competences needed to succeed and, indicatively are, adaptability, digital literacy, communication, etc.

Project Result Implementation Period

Start date: April 2021
End date: January 2022