



Mind42 is a free online mind mapping software. In short: Mind42 offers you a software that runs in your browser to create mind maps – a special form of a structured diagram to visually organize information. It can be used to create to do lists, brainstorm ideas, organize events, etc. It is free for use and the created mind maps are private unless shared with others, which is an optional feature.

Types of use

·   Planning

·   Content Development

Indicative use in the classroom

Teachers can use Mind42 to create and integrate in their teaching the use of mind maps. A common use of a mind map in classroom is to introduce a new topic. Students can also be assigned to use Mind42 to work in teams and produce their own mind maps. This may be done, among others, as part of a brainstorming activity.

Open access

·   Free access: all features are available for free

·   Paid plans: there are no paid plans

Link to digital tool/platform: https://mind42.com/