

This category of use refers to the tools that allow users to collaborate either in a synchronous or asynchronous way by either editing common documents or doing common activities.



This type of tools is used by teachers to assess/evaluate students’ knowledge and/or skills. In some cases, students use the tools by themselves as part of a self-assessment process (e.g., self-regulated learning).



The tools that correspond to this type of use are those that may support a student or a team of students to engage in building and expanding their network that relates to their school life and learning activities. This type of tools has been widely used to facilitate collaboration between students from different schools, often from different countries. Based on observations in schools, this type of tools has been used, during the COVID-19 pandemic, for student networks even within the same school.



The tools that tick this category of use are those that may facilitate the on-line, cloud storage of multiple types of files (text, multimedia, presentations, etc.) that teachers and students may want to share with each other, which their primary way of utilisation, or so as to have their personal cloud storage space that will enable easy mobility between devices.

Content Development


This type of use by the tools allows for the creation of digital content. The content may be developed by students as part of their learning activities or by teachers in the context of one or even when designing an entire activity based on the developed content.



This category of use is facilitated by several applications which allows the user to plan and organise his/her own task or the tasks of a team or organisation. These type o applications enable the user to manage the projects/ tasks that have been assigned to him/her or at a higher level plan and organise whole classroom learning activities or even the whole classroom and its progress.

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