SPOŁECZNA AKADEMIA NAUK (University of Social Sciences) is one of the leading private universities in Poland having 16.000 students and over 800 academic staff. In the educational rankings, published by the influential national magazines our University is placed very high. There are 18 departments, including IT Studies, Educational Science, Psychology and Sociology that will contribute their experience to this project. Within our Educational Science department we train teachers of different types with a special focus on preschool and early school level of education.
As an educational organization University of Social Sciences promotes multidisciplinary approach, bringing together researchers from a diversity of backgrounds (economics, humanities, artistic, educational science, etc.). Our University has potential to provide support (according to specific roles and tasks assigned within the consortium) to project’s activities having an immense expertise
and experienced staff in respective field.
SAN offers PhD, MA and BA studies, post-graduate courses as well as specialized training courses on daily, evening and weekend and extramural basis. SAN is also very active in scientific research, organisation of national and international conferences and publishing scientific books.
SAN collaborate closely also with wide range of educational organisations (eg. Ośrodek Nowoczesnych Technologii Informacyjnych Łodzkiego Centrum Doskonalenia Nauczycieli i Kształcenia Praktycznego), associations and foundations as well as local and national Authorities.
Apart from main activity the University is a significant institution of persistent adult education (LLL) offering different courses for adults. A lot of our activities are based on close collaboration with actors of the VET sector, for whom we organize trainings and studies.
SAN has a dedicated unit responsible for creation and providing e-learning courses (as whole studies and short courses) – Polish Open Academy. The platform is Moddle. The University is experienced in creation of new e-learning courses in many fields.