Introducing the ETRe Project

The ETRe – Empowering schools’ transition readiness to a distance/hybrid learning model enhanced by cloud technology tools is an ERASMUS+ KA2 Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness project that started in April 2021 and is scheduled to complete its activities in March 2023.

The project partners are:

Coordinator:School of the Future International Academy
P1:European Association of Erasmus Coordinators
P4:Prof. Ivan Apostolov Private English Language School

The ETRe project aims to:

  • create a framework of digital competences and a set of characteristics that a digital tools repository, used in an educational context, should have,
  • explore the importance and the add-on value of the available open-source tools (cloud: communication, collaboration, storage, planning, etc.) in cases where there is a specific educational or technical need or cases where tools are able to work in parallel, integrated into a common collaborative platform.
  • empower the educators’ community by offering a set of easy-to-read tools information and comparison infographics to assist them in choosing the correct kind of tool
  • develop a guide on how to adapt the suggested framework within a classroom that has to implement a distance or hybrid learning model
  • develop a distance/hybrid learning certification process for a school organisation to set a standard for schools that wish to achieve an adequate level of readiness.

by developing during its implementation the following results:

Output 1 – Development of a competence framework to facilitate a swift to a distance/hybrid learning model

Output 2 – Set of digital cloud tools and guidance on the digitalisation of the educational content to facilitate the learning process

Output 3 – Educational Organisation’s readiness towards a swift to Digital Learning Certification

Follow the project’s progress through the ETRe Project FB page.