



Pixton’s use of comics and the graphic arts can help build students’ art skills, stretch their creative muscles, and help them think critically about sequencing, context, and story structure. For inspiration, browse through the content packs, which address subjects ranging from math to history, science, and beyond.

Types of use

·   Storage

·   Content Development

Indicative use in the classroom

Pixton was developed from scratch to be an educational tool. Thus it offers a teacher and student friendly environment offering the possibility to students to quickly develop comics and use them as part of their presentations, projects, and assignments, and to teachers, to further enhance their teaching practice by integrating the use of educational comics.

Open access

·   Free access: limited students, classes, photo storage and design features

·   Paid plans: additional or unlimited classes, photo storage and design features

Link to digital tool/platform: https://www.pixton.com/