



Scratch is a high-level block-based visual programming language and website aimed primarily at children as an educational tool for programming, with a target audience of ages 8 to 16. Users on the site, called Scratchers, can create projects on the website using a block-like interface. The service is developed by the MIT Media Lab, has been translated into 70+ languages, and is used in most parts of the world. Scratch is taught and used in after-school centers, schools, and colleges, as well as other public knowledge institutions.

Types of use

·   Collaboration

·   Content Development

·   Simulator

Indicative use in the classroom

The teacher can use scratch in the context of the informatics class to introduce programming concepts and principals, to engage students in creating applications, games and animations, and to use as part of developing STEM projects.

Open access

·   Free access: full free access

·   Paid plans: no paid plans

Link to digital tool/platform: